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Reduce your reducer boilerplate with Redux-deduce.

  • Perform common updates with our easy to use action creators without needing to write reducers.

    • Our deducer engine enhances your reducers, doing many simple tasks automatically.

  • Easy to add and remove from your project.

    • Just pass your root reducer through our decorating function then create your store.

  • All Redux and Redux devtools features remain intact

    • Time travel debugging with Redux.

    • Immutable updates.

    • Middleware integrations.


npm install Redux-Deduce/redux-deduce

Basic Usage

To enable redux-deduce you need to wrap your rootReducer with the 'deduce' reducer enhancer.

import {createStore} from 'redux';
import { deduce } from 'redux-deduce';

rootReducer = (state = {}, action) => { 
 switch (action.type) { 
   return state; 
store = createStore(deduce(rootReducer));

At this point, redux-deduce will now interpret any acceptable actions that are dispatched by Redux. Any custom actions or reducers that exist in your project take precedence and will run as normal.

For example:

Given the following state:

const state = {
    appState: {
        count: 0,
        isSelected: false

We can update the app state using an action with the action type 'SET_IN_COUNT'. Redux-deduce will search the state-tree to find to find the correct update location and make an immutable update.

    type: 'SET_COUNT',
    value: 5

Writing actions by hand is verbose and error-prone, so we introduce several action creators to help you validate and create actions that redux-deduce understands.

import { D } from 'redux-deduce';

    path: 'COUNT',
    value: 5

By using the action creators you get auto-complete in your IDE, better error message, and the error messages will indicate the line number that the action will be dispatched on instead of deep in the redux-deduce code.

Last updated